Optical Custom Design

Optical Custom Design

Ecoptik is not only an optics lens manufacturer but also is a professional optical service agency. We provide professional optical products, optical consulting services, and custom lens design services. We hired A high quality, high level, combat experience rich expert team, who are from Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Our services include: imaging optical design (mobile lens, scanning lens, vehicle lens, monitoring lens, infrared lens, projection lens, other imaging optical system); Lighting system design, laser system design (laser system), laser rangefinder lens, medical optical lens, solar collector optical path design, coating system design, optical technology support, etc

  • Custom lenses design Specializing in optics for applications within optical communication, laser processing, projected display and detection sensor.

  • Optical System design Ecoptik has powerful optical design software, which enables us to provide the best components to a custom system. the main design soft wave we used Zemax and Solidsworks.

  • Optical thin film coating design Ecoptik has experience with traditional methods for designing multi-layer thin film coating, and a deep understanding of the theory of light propagation in multi-layer thin film coating.

Optical Custom Design

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