ECOPTIK (Changchun) Ltd: Opening Celebration Review

On June 18, 2024, the sun was particularly bright, and in the anticipation of everyone, the opening ceremony of ECOPTIK(CHANGCHUN)LTD was held.

ecoptik changchun ltd opening celebration review

By mid-morning, there were huge crowds of persons at the ceremony site. The huge red arch is like a bright rainbow across the entrance, highlighting the festive atmosphere of the opening. Walking along the red carpet into the venue, the carefully arranged scene makes people's eyes shine, the solemn red road flag, the eye-catching theme of "walk by light, will reach far' ,every detail reveals the joy of the opening boom.

With the clock coming to the scheduled time, the opening ceremony officially kicked off. The host stepped onto the stage enthusiastically and gave a warm welcome to the guests. Subsequently, Sibo Wang, general manager of the company, delivered a sincere and inspiring speech on the stage. He reviewed the details since the establishment of the factory, from the initial idea to the step by step realization, which is full of countless people's efforts and sweat. He also painted a blueprint for the future development of the company, and that firm confidence infected everyone present.

ecoptik changchun ltd opening celebration review 

The ceremony culminated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony.Sibo Wang, general manager of ECOPTIK(CHANGCHUN)LTD, and Linlin Wu, deputy general manager, stood in front of the ribbon with three important guests. They held gold scissors and cut the ribbon neatly under the eyes of everyone. Immediately, applause, cheers sounded like a tide, seven colors of smoke floating in the air, the whole scene immersed in a sea of joy.

This opening ceremony is not only an important milestone in the development of ECOPTIK(CHANGCHUN)LTD, but also a new starting point. We believe that with the efforts of all employees, ECOPTIK(CHANGCHUN)LTD will break out a broad world in the industry and write its own brilliant chapter.

Let us witness the growth and take off of ECOPTIK(CHANGCHUN)LTD!

ecoptik changchun ltd opening celebration review

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